Phone: (+357) 24823938

CERAFIX & GROUT is ready mixed white acrylic wall and floor tile adhesive and grout. It contains acrylic resins, inert particles and special additives which offer excellent adhesion on vertical and horizontal building surfaces. Presents excellent moisture resistance and high yield. It is suitable for interior and exterior use.
Ready mixed formula
Easy to apply – no mixing, no mess
Excellent bonding strength
Excellent workability
Extended open time
Moisture resistance
Interior and exterior use
Easy, clean and fast application
Fixing and grouting ceramic tiles and decorative bricks on walls and floors on various substrates, such as concrete, plaster, blockwork, wood, cementboard, plasterboard, MDF and most common building surfaces.
Fixing tiles on porous surfaces such as unpolished marble, aerated concrete blocks, cement tiles etc.
Suitable for bathrooms and exterior applications
Coverage: 1 - 3 kg/m2
Thinning: no
Application: by knife
Initial bonding: 6 hours 20oC
Final bonding: 10 - 20 hours 20oC
Exterior use
Interior use
Application temperature: 10oC - 35oC
Cleaning: with water
Substrate preparation:
Make sure that substrates are leveled, clean, free of oily residues, loose materials, dust etc.
Cementboards, plasterboards, chipboard, wood, MDF and similar surfaces must be primed with ISOCRYL DUR or ISOCRYL DUR AQUA in order to increase water resistance and bonding strength.
New plaster must be a minimum of 4 weeks old before tiling.
The mixture should be applied uniformly on the surface using a notched trowel - spatula according to the size of the tiles and floor or wall application.
The tiles should be fixed by pressing them in the desired position within 20 - 40 minutes in order to avoid skin formation. Less time is required for dry and absorbent surfaces or under high temperatures.
All surplus adhesive must be removed whilst the adhesive is still wet using a dampened cloth or sponge, particularly along the grout lines.
Surfaces are ready for grouting within 12 hours with the same material.
It is advisable to perform a suitability test for each application.
Do not add water, as this will decrease adhesive’s strength and waterproofing properties.
Periodical stirring is advised using a spatula.
CERAFIX & GROUT is not suitable for applications experiencing constant immersion in water.
Allow surfaces to dry completely for 7 days before contact with water in shower areas – baths etc.