Anti-slip quartz sand for use with two-component floor paints.Fully slip-resistant finish Easy application Good adhesionDESCRIPTIONRUST-OLEUM® Hard Hat Aerosols Anti-Slip 2400 are based on a fast drying acrylic modifiedshort oil alkyd. The coloured products are based on lead- and chromate free pigments andcontain a special anti-slip additive.RECOMMENDED USESRUST-OLEUM Anti-Slip 2400 should be applied on metal, concrete, ceramic and wood surfaces or properly prepared painted substrates. Steel should be primed with 2169 or 2182.RUST-OLEUM Anti-Slip 2400 are intended for small maintenance jobs or for touch-up.RUST-OLEUM Anti-Slip 2400 should be used interior/exterior in light industrial exposureswhere anti slip characteristics are required.TECHNICAL DATAAppearance: SatinColour: See colour cardPropellant: Butane/propaneRecommended film thickness: 25 µm dry, equals averagely 100 µm wetVOC-content: 524 - 538 g/lDrying times 20°C/50% r.v.To touch: 20 minutesTo handle: 60 minutesTo recoat: After 1 hour with itselfFull hardness 7 daysHeat resistance: 100°C (dry heat), above 65°C discoloration may occurCoverageTheoretical: 2.5 m² per spray can at 25 µm dryPractical: Practical coverage depends on many factors such as porosity and roughness ofthe substrate and material losses during application.SURFACE PREPARATIONRemove dirt, grease, oil, loose rust and all other surface contaminants by appropriate means.Sand intact coatings to provide a proper key for adhesion. The surface must be clean and dryduring application.DIRECTION FOR USERemove cover cap. Shake vigorously for at least one minute after the rattle of mixing ball isheard. Shake frequently during use. Hold the can approx. 25 cm from surface. Use back andforth motion keeping can parallel with surface. Ensure that can is in motion when spray buttonis pressed to avoid runs and sags. Apply several thin layers at a few minutes interval toachieve adequate coating thickness. After use turn can upside down and press spray buttonfor 2 - 3 seconds to clean valve.REMARKSNot for use in wet areas such as bathrooms and on substrates, which are regularly in contactwith, water.APPLICATION CONDITIONSFor good results the relative humidity shall be below 85% and the temperature of the can andsubstrate above 10°C.
Weight | 0.70 kg |